OptiKid and Lamb - specific blend containing probiotics and zeolite
Small ruminant youngsters are different to their large ruminant cousins.
Blue Pacific Minerals, created a range of goat and sheep products for milking does and ewes and a very popular new edition - Optikid and lamb. OptiKid and Lamb is specifically designed for kids and lambs from birth to weaning. It contains NZ natural zeolite in the form of Optimate, an ACVM registered toxin binder as well as probiotics, vitamins and oregano oil.
Kids and lambs love the taste and keep coming back for more.
Provide the best start in life for your kids or lambs
OptiKid and Lamb
OptiKid and Lamb Mineral Pellet
Specific blend of mineral, in pellet feed
includes mineral specs designed for young stock
Maize/barley blend with added 3% molasses and 1% sodium
Reduces dust and increases palatability
ZorbiFresh Active
Reduce bacteria, ammonia and moisture in bedding.
Bedding addictive for kid and lamb pens or goat or sheep barns
Absorbs up to 199% of its weight in moisture
Reduces odour for a safer environment
Starts killing bacteria (including Staph aureus and E. coli) as soon as it is applied and keeps killing beyond 24 hours
ZorbiFresh™ Active can be used as part of a regular process to keep calf pens clean and disease free, but is also highly effective in larger doses post a bacterial outbreak.
ZorbiFresh™ Active starts killing bacteria (including Staph.Aureus and E.coli) as soon as it is applied and keeps killing beyond 24 hours.
ZorbiFresh™ Active absorbs up to 199% of its weight in moisture, soaking up ammonia and nitrates. This prevents ammonia from turning into ammonium and keeping the air fresher for longer, healthier for both animals and workers.