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Our Mission: Is to aid dairy farmers in achieving optimal herd health and productivity, cost effectively.

Our Optimate Range of NZ natural Zeolite based feed supplements are a great way to provide dairy cows with the macro minerals, trace elements, pre and probiotics that they need at different times through their season.  OPTIMATE™ is an ACVM registered toxin binder.

We also have the OptiSolve range, including OptiSolve MultX, which are water soluble nutrients and minerals for the demands of a milking herd.

Click on the image below that interests you to find more information.

Dispersible granule feed supplements

The Optimate range are a more natural feed supplement range including probiotics, pre biotics, macro minerals and NZ natural zeolite - ACVM registered toxin binder

Water soluble minerals

The OptiSolve range are water soluble minerals that support the health of your herd.

OptiSolve MultX - Natural seaweed based supplement specifically designed around mating.

Pasture and Crops

AgriFert liquid fertilisers for growing quality pasture and crops and nourishing soils.

AgriFert's range includes liquid UAN nitrogen fertilisers for rapid uptake and easy distribution.

Remarkable Race Rock

Stock Rock Rocks! Stock Rock is a natural race rock that when compressed is hard like concrete - yet has no stones to cause stone bruises.

Stock Rock is kinder on cows' hooves.

Nutritional Supplements 

Our mineral supplements in feed extend to maize balancers and additives to mix with your herds' feed.

Maize Balancer, Maximin and Maximin Protect.

MPI approved hand cleaner for farm dairies

Using NZ natural zeolite to attract and absorb grime, grease and odours, Magic Mud is a great addition to the farm dairy.

MPI approved for use in the farm dairy and food processing.

Optimate™ range of feed supplements

We demand a lot from the 'engine' of our dairy cows and they are expected to perform for 10 months of the year, including growing and giving birth to a healthy off spring. We designed this range around those demands and challenges to support her to not only face the challenges but to perform at her best.

Our Optimate™ range is designed to provide your dairy herd with essential minerals and trace minerals that they require at different stages in their season. Optimate™ is an ACVM registered toxin binder pre-mixed with minerals and in some cases prebiotics and probiotics.

There is a bag of Optimate™ for your herd for every stage, this can be premixed with her feed at feed mills or delivered on farm for on-site mixing.

MPI approved for use in farm dairies!

Grubby hands in the milking shed?

Magic Mud is made with natural ingredients including our zeolite to remove odour and all types of grease and grime.

  • MPI approved for use in farm dairies

  • MPI recognised for use in dairy processing

OptiSolve™ 5

OptiSolve 5 bag

Water soluble trace elements for your dairy herd


Providing trace minerals to dairy herds through their drinking water.


  • Effective method of getting critical trace elements into your dairy herd

  • OptiSolve™ 5 includes the top 5 trace elements required to get your herd performing at their peak

  • Zinc

  • Iodine 

  • Cobalt chelated 

  • Copper chelated 

  • Selenium

Maximin™ herd feed supplement range


  • Dispersible granules for easy distribution
  • Sodium Bicarbonate, which has a buffering effect and counteracts the acidic by-products of carbohydrate (fibre, starch and sugar) digestion.
  • Myco-toxin binding for animal health 
  • Includes Monensin Sodium at 300mg per dose (1.5g Rumensin® 20% Millmix ACVM Act A009107)


Maximin™ includes Rumensin® which aids in the control of ketosis, prevention and control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii and aids in the reduction of bloat.

Maximin™ includes a full summer package if Optimate ACVM registered Toxin Binder, all our macro minerals and trace elements. 

Maximin™ Protect 


  • Aids in the prevention of facial eczema 
  • Minimises the impact of hear stress 
  • Aids in the control of ketosis, prevention and control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria Boris and Eimeria zuernii and aids in the reduction of bloat. 


Maximin™ Protect  includes Rumensin® Monensin Sodium at 300mg per dose (1.5g Rumensin® 20% Millmix ACVM Act A009107) 

Maximin™ Protect is made up of dispersible granules for easy distribution

Maximin™ Protect includes Sodium Bicarbonate, which has a buffering effect and counteracts the acidic by-products of carbohydrate (fibre, starch and sugar) digestion.

Maximin™ Protect includes organic source of Chromium to help improve glucose use and reduces the negative impacts of heat stress. 

ZorbiFresh™ Active - animal barns & young stock pens

ZorbiFresh Active Bag
Cows in barn on ZorbiFresh Active for healthy barns

Bedding conditioner for barns and young stock pens


  • A bedding conditioner for cows, calves, goats, sheep, equine and swine

  • Absorbs up to 199% of it’s weight in moisture

  • Reduces odour for a safer environment

  • Starts killing bacteria (including Staph aureus and E. coli) as soon as it is applied and keeps killing beyond 24 hours


ZorbiFresh™ Active can be used as part of a regular process to keep calf pens clean and disease free, but is also highly effective in larger doses post a bacterial outbreak.

ZorbiFresh™ Active starts killing bacteria (including Staph.Aureus and E.coli) as soon as it is applied and keeps killing beyond 24 hours.

ZorbiFresh™ Active absorbs up to 199% of its weight in moisture, soaking up ammonia and nitrates. This prevents ammonia from turning into ammonium and keeping the air fresher for longer, healthier for both animals and workers. 

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