Blue Pacific Minerals Agriculture division optimises animal health and productivity.
From highly productive dairy herds to high performing event horses, the health and wellbeing of animals is at the centre of our product development. We aim to enhance their health and productivity by using a blend of nature and science.
Click on the image below to find out more about your chosen animal health or farming solution:
Dairy Cows
Ensure the health and productivity of your herd.
Find out more on the Optimate range of feed supplements and OptiSolve water soluble minerals
Calf Health
The best start in life. From birth to weaning weight faster.
Home to OptiCalf, OptiGuard, OptiCalf Flourish and ZorbiFresh Active
Farm Races
Reduce lameness and speed up the journey to the dairy.
StockRock is well known as hard wearing race rock that is kind to cows' hooves
Goats & Kids
Ensuring healthy does and goat kids.
Optimate range of feed supplements for milking does. OptiKid and Lamb for your young stock.
Agri Fertiliser
Ensuring productive and sustainable pastures and crops.
AgriFert liquid fertilisers including liquid UAN nitrogen with a seaweed base.
Sheep & Lambs
Healthy ewes and lambs.
Optimate range of feed supplements for milking ewes. OptiKid and Lamb for your young stock.

Optimal health
Optimate™ is a range of carefully selected minerals, trace elements, prebiotics and probiotics to help your herd to be the healthiest and highest performing that they can be. From pre-calving blends to boosting the herd for mating, there is a specialist blend to help with each stage in the dairy calendar.
Optimate™ products can be purchased from your rural retailer or stock feed merchant.
Call us on 0800 678 444 to discuss.
The importance of balanced nutrition for goat does
Nutrient requirements are a key factor to reducing any issues pre and post kidding. Your goat does requirements increase dramatically the last six weeks of gestation due to increasing foetal growth, especially with older goats and multiple birth kids. The does biggest demands are energy levels and the need to mobilise calcium in her body. She also needs to be in optimal health with her trace elements to able transfer of enough nutrients for the kids to thrive after birth.
Prevention is always better than treatment. One potential issue for high producing goats can be milk fever, a condition where the blood (serum) calcium levels become too low, namely hypocalcaemia. Feeding high amounts of calcium pre kidding can set off a chain reaction, causing calcium to be deposited in the goats’ bones when her body needs to be releasing it from the bones for milk production. The best way to prevent hypocalcaemia is to lower calcium intake during the last 30 days of pregnancy and increase the magnesium. Magnesium is needed to produce hormones that are important for the absorption of calcium from the gut and the mobilisation of calcium from bones. Read more.
MPI approved for use in farm dairies!
Grubby hands in the milking shed?
Magic Mud is made with natural ingredients including our zeolite to remove odour and all types of grease and grime.
MPI approved for use in farm dairies
MPI recognised for use in dairy processing